We pack a picnic
Leftover pizza, overripe nectarines, Texan beer
My bike has a flat tire you forgot to replace after borrowing it
But I'm 'just so much better at it' you say, batting your eyes
At least I fixed something today
The park isn't full
Nor empty
We see a woman do 3 laps while we debate cribbage strategies
You preemptively eat a nectarine
As the juice dribbles down your chin I admire your gracelessness wiping your whole arm against your face
It must be about 90 degrees and 8:30
It starts slowly, a beep
Almost a chirp
Before we identify where its coming from
The warmth of the air fills with a families song
We lay back
I find your hand from the familiar curve of your wrist
The droning fills our watches and ears
The gorgeous watermelon colored mountains paint the horizon
Closing our eyes we lose pace of the setting sun